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Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology
The department of electronics and communication engineering, Rajiv Gandhi institute of technology organized one day technical seminar on Applications of INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM and VEHICLE NAMED DATA NETWORKS on 27th October 2023 in association with departments of Computer science and Engineering, Bio-medical engineering, Electrical and Electronics engineering. This seminar has provided platform for students and academicians to share and exchange ideas on the topic in the field such as
What is Intelligent transportation system?
Challenges of Intelligent transportation system?
Principles of Intelligent transportation system
What is the aim of intelligent transportation system?
What are the 3 main areas of intelligent transportation system?
Functional area of Intelligent transportation system?
Objectives of Intelligent transportation system?
What is a vehicular network
What are the challenges of VN
Types of Vehicular data networks
Advantages of Vehicular data networks
The technical seminar had two sessions spread over one day with expert’s technical talk, interactive discussions and so on. Total number of participants sent their willingness to attend the seminar was 70 from the four departments such as ECE, CSE, BME and EEE. Feedback was taken from the students regarding seminar and the certificates were issued.