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Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology

Imagine.. Inspire.. Innovate..


The Agile and Design Thinking workshop held on December 27, 2023, for the Computer Science and Engineering department aimed to impart practical knowledge and skills related to Agile methodologies and Design Thinking principles. The event began with a warm welcome to the Principal, the Head of the Department (HOD), and faculty members from the CSE department. The session was formally inaugurated, setting an enthusiastic tone for the day. Ms. Fathima Khanum, a renowned expert in Agile and Design Thinking, was the guest speaker. She covered key topics including the definition and principles of Agile, the Agile manifesto, an overview of Design Thinking, and its five stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. She explained how Agile methodologies streamline project management and enhance team collaboration, while Design Thinking fosters a user-centric approach to problem-solving and innovation. ​